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Privacy Policy


We collect your information in order to improve your customer experience and to communicate about our products, services and promotions. We collect information from you to register you as a member, complete a transaction, sign up to receive emails or text messages from us. We may use your information collected online to fulfil and process your emails. We may maintain a record of products or services you have looked at or purchased to enhance your shopping experience and make it easier and faster.

We do not sell or trade your personal information to others. However, we do use other companies and individuals to perform services, such as delivering packages, sending mail or emails and processing payments. They will have access to your personal information in order to perform these services, but are not authorised to use your information for any other purpose. We take reasonable care to make our site secure and have fraud prevention processes in place. 

The Deluxe detail website uses technology called cookies. A cookie is a small element of data that our website may send to your computer. Cookies will be stored on your hard drive and allow us to recognise you when you return to our website. We use cookies as a means of researching your usage of the site in order to work on providing you the best customer experience possible. You may configure your browser setting to turn off cookies; however this may affect the levels of functionality you experience on this site.

When you interact with deluxe detail or register online, you may receive promotional emails. Just email to unsubscribe, or unsubscribe at the bottom of the emails.

Our Workshop.

129 Glenda Drive





Monday - Friday


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